LIFE, CHANCES NOT TO MISS…………..

Life, a small word though has different signs to me,
A carnival of beautiful flowers, you mustn’t forget to see.

It can offer a dozens of good time’s altogether,
It’s like the triumph of the birds and their colorful feather.

No matter, how fair we portray ourselves, our heart cannot deny,
The fact of the life is that one has born only to die.

We live in a world, where people have different faces,
It’s hard to find place, where dreams leaves behind its traces.

We do come across different challenges and battle it out in numerous ways,
This universe is so deep and dark, it’s difficult to find those good old days.

Whatever we think, our mind can perceive,
It’s better to acknowledge, no matter what we achieve.

We make hard decisions, and have many fights,
We make few wrongs, but there are many more rights.

Life may be hard and it can be a little cruel,
But people beware “because you’re no fool”.

We do learn a lot, from the chances that we miss,

It’s your life, your own path, hence there’s nothing much to dismiss……

                                                                                                                        By .IsH.


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